1-2-1 preparation for 11+ Sports Test
1-2-1 sessions for preparation of the 11+ Sports Aptitude Test
Service Description
If your child has exceptional talent or sporting ability, then you may be considering entering them for the South West Schools Consortium, Sports Aptitude Test. This is a highly competitive application so helping your child to prepare for the core movement skills required to be performed on the day will give them a competitive edge over the rest. We have developed a unique set of drills to increase fitness, agility, speed and flexibility specifically needed to smash their time in these tests. Working 1-2-1 with an elite sports coach is a unique experience for your child and gives them a chance to build the skills they will need to ensure that they are in their best condition for the test in early September and are ready to hit it with the right attitude and a competitive edge. Please contact us for more information.
Contact Details
Stage Fitness Personal Training Watford Leisure Centre Woodside, Horseshoe Lane, Watford, UK